Rookwood Weir Project
Sunwater is committed to delivering water for prosperity, benefiting Central Queensland communities, agriculture and industrial enterprise.
Water sales and landholder support
Once complete, Rookwood Weir will be the largest weir operated by Sunwater in regional Queensland.
This valuable new water source will bring much-needed water security as well as economic growth and jobs for Central Queenslanders.
In May 2020, Sunwater invited landholders and investors to discuss their water needs and the opportunity to secure a water allocation from Rookwood Weir through a two-step process; Tender One providing for lots of 500 ML and greater and Tender Two, which closed in February 2023, providing for smaller lots of between 10 ML and 500 ML.
Sunwater, in collaboration with Advance Rockhampton, launched a landholder support and grants program to provide landholders with business information and advice prior to Tender Two. The program closed at the end of October 2022 and information about the program is available under the Landholder Support Program drop-down below.
Tender One (July 2020): lots of 500 ML and greater
Tender One provided the opportunity to purchase upwards of 30,000 megalitres (ML) of medium priority (MP) water for agricultural and non-urban use. The invitation to tender (ITT) for Tender One closed on 21 July 2020.
Tender Two (2022): smaller lots of less than 500 ML
7,500 ML of medium priority (MP) water allocations per annum was made available for Tender Two.
Tender Two was targeted towards smaller scale irrigated agriculture with bids ranging from 10 ML up to 500 ML (inclusive).
The tender process was managed through the QTenders website.
Due to ongoing landholder interest in the Tender Two water sales, the Request for Information (RFI) period was extended to 5:00pm AEST on Friday 3 February 2023 with the tender closing at 2:00pm AEST on Friday 17 February 2023.
The expression of interest (EOI) for landholders to nominate their interest in obtaining assistance from Sunwater to prepare for Tender Two closed on 30 November 2020.
It was not a requirement to submit an EOI to participate in Tender Two or to apply for a support package. The EOI process gave participants an opportunity to provide feedback which was considered when designing the support packages available to landholders for Tender Two.
In September 2021 Advance Rockhampton, an arm of Rockhampton Regional Council, launched the Rookwood Weir Landholder Support Program on behalf of Sunwater. The program closed at the end of October 2022.
Feedback collected through the EOI process was used to design support packages to meet landholder needs and build on previous work undertaken such as land suitability, crop market and economic analysis.
While the grants program has now closed, information on landholder support is still available under the Landholder Support Program sub-heading of this page.
Important information for landholders
- Rookwood Weir Water Allocation Sales: Landholder Opportunities Overview – examples of how other growers have used supplemented water to grow their business
- Rookwood Weir Water Allocation Sales – Landholder Expression of Interest brochure – provides further information about how landholders can prepare for Tender Two water sales (2022)
- Rookwood Weir Project Calendar 2020-2023 – what’s happening across water planning, water sales and construction of Rookwood Weir
- reef protection regulations – any purchaser of water from the Rookwood Weir will need to comply with the requirements of the Reef Protection Regulations which can be found here.
- The Sunwater Rookwood Weir Water Allocation Sales: Information Memorandum (see also the Appendix H addendum) provides detailed information about the opportunities available to landholders considering a water allocation from Rookwood Weir to grow their business enterprise.
Landholder Support Program
With the development of Rookwood Weir, landholders in the Lower Fitzroy region were provided the unique opportunity to bid for supplemented water to grow their business as part of Sunwater’s Tender Two water sales process.
For landholders, access to this water could mean future crop irrigation potential, the establishment of orchards, or the expansion of existing agricultural operations.
To assist landholders in understanding and capitalising on the opportunities made available by securing water through the Rookwood Weir Tender Two process, Advance Rockhampton facilitated the Rookwood Weir Landholder Support Program on Sunwater’s behalf.
A variety of support tools and a grants program were released throughout 2021 and 2022 to assist landholders to further understand and assess the options available to them. More information on this is available below.
Grants program activities
The Rookwood Weir Grants Program closed at 5pm on Wednesday 15 December 2021.
Applications have been assessed by Advance Rockhampton with all landholders notified of the outcome.
If you have any enquiries regarding the grants program, please direct them to Advance Rockhampton.
The Gear Up for Rookwood Weir Tender Two Water Sales – Horticulture and Cropping Workshop was held on Thursday 5 May 2022.
The workshop helped landholders in the lower Fitzroy River decide whether to bid for water as part of the weir’s Tender Two water sales.
The replay of the workshop, along with video time stamps, can be found on YouTube here. Additionally, presentations from the night can be found here.
The following tools can provide assistance with financial analysis, crop suitability and soils types across the Lower Fitzroy region.
- Rookwood Weir financial analysis tool (farm development cash flow including capital and operational expenditure, revenue for tree crops including macadamias, mandarins, lychees, mangoes and for cropping)
- Crop suitability tool
- Land suitability maps
- Lower Fitzroy soils map.
The case studies below will provide an in-depth analysis of potential agricultural opportunities through irrigation, including crop overviews and requirements, industry analysis, capital expenditure, operational expenditure, performance indicators and recommendations.
The Rookwood Weir Water Allocation Sales Information Memorandum provides detailed information regarding crops and the potential opportunities available to grow business enterprises.
- Business case studies
Useful links
Video suite
Contact information
Advance Rockhampton worked closely with Sunwater to implement the Rookwood Weir Landholder Support Program.
Advance Rockhampton is the economic arm of the Rockhampton Regional Council and works collaboratively with Livingstone Shire Council and Central Highlands Regional Council.
Questions regarding the program should be directed to:
Rookwood Weir Landholder Support Program Coordinator
Wade Clark
Industry Engagement Manager
Advance Rockhampton
P: 0458 579 457
A: 220 Quay Street, Rockhampton QLD 4700
Sunwater appointed OCM as independent probity advisor to the Landholder Support and Grants Program to ensure a fair and transparent process. If you have any probity-related concerns with the program you can contact OCM directly:
Iain McIndoe
0409 347 150.
Irrigation Farm Plans Support Program
Sunwater is partnering with Advance Rockhampton on the Making Water Work – Irrigation Farm Plans Support Program.
This support program will provide landholders in the Lower Fitzroy region who have received a water allocation from Rookwood Weir an opportunity to apply for consultancy assistance to create a Farm Plan. All allocation holders will require a compliant farm plan before accessing water.
The farm plan sets out the methods and mechanisms for land and water management practices to ensure water quality and to stop sediment, nutrients and pesticides flowing into the Fitzroy River. The farm plan must include a map which shows all features relative to management of irrigation practices (as listed below) and the quality of any water discharged from irrigation areas in compliance with the Rookwood Weir Land Management Code of Practice.
Advance Rockhampton is leading this program with applications for the support program open until the 17 November 2023.
If you would like to apply for the support program, please click here:
For further details, please contact Wade Clark on P:4936 8577 | M: 0458 579 457 o| E: | O: 220 Quay Street, Rockhampton
Please contact the Rookwood Weir project team for more information.