Rookwood Weir Landholder Support and Grants Program – Video Transcript
Published on YouTube: 12 November, 2021 (Duration: 2:41)
[music plays]
[irrigation system watering crops]
[text displayed: “Rookwood Weir” and “Landholder Support & Grants Program”]
[person speaking]
[text displayed: “Wade Clark” and “Industry Engagement Manager”]
Wade Clark: With the development of Rookwood Weir, the Lower Fitzroy regions community will have a unique opportunity…
[aerial view of a farm and crops]
…to obtain a significant amount of supplemental water for irrigation.
[two people walking among rows of crops and talking with each other]
[person speaking]
[text displayed: “Emily Van Riet” and “Economic Development and Industry Engagement Advisor”]
Emily Van Riet: For some landholders, irrigation from the river could mean potential cropping or the establishment of orchards which will be a new and exciting experience.
[aerial view of crops]
For others it could play a part to assist with…
[view of the top of a tree]
…expanding existing agricultural operations.
[ground view of wheat crop]
[close-up of wheat crop]
With new experiences or expansion comes a lot of planning and knowledge development…
[close-up of crop]
…to understand the opportunity…
[tractor harvesting in the field]
…and whether it is viable.
[image background of construction]
[text displayed: “Rookwood Weir” and “Landholder Support & Grants Program”]
To assist landholders with information and decision making for Tender Two next year, Sunwater has in collaboration with Advance Rockhampton, developed the Rookwood Weir Landholder Support and Grants Program.
[person speaking]
[text displayed: “Designed to assist landholders understand the potential opportunities”]
Wade Clark: A variety of support tools and a grants program will be rolled out over the coming months to assist local landholders further understand…
[view following the river approaching a bridge]
[text displayed: “Tender Two Water Sales”]
…and assess potential options ahead of the second trench of water sales.
[view of construction with vehicle crossing a bridge]
Some examples of the support tools include:
[aerial view of farm land]
[text displayed: “Financial Analysis Tools”]
Financial analysis tools.
[text displayed: “This tools assists in the financial projections for a business”]
This tool assists in the financial projections for a business.
[ground view of crop]
Current industry data is built into the tool so you can accurately assess the financial viability of potential crop options.
[ground view of crop]
[text displayed: “Business Case Studies”
Business Case studies.
[text displayed: “These are designed to give you more information on crops”]
These are designed to give you more information on crops that may be suitable in the Lower Fitzroy Region.
[person coming out of a tractor and then walking around the tractor]
As a producer looking to diversify, the case studies will show you the inputs and outputs suitable for the crops in the region.
[person walking among the crops]
Additional soil analysis and crop suitability tools will also be made available.
[person speaking]
Emily Van Riet: To further support landholders on a one-to-one basis, an application process will be open to eligible landholders to apply for a grants package.
[view of crops]
Packages awarded to successful landholders will provide for:
[view of flower and lily pads]
[text displayed: “Expert advice to develop an individual agricultural report”]
Expert advice by a consultant to develop an individual agricultural report.
[person next to a tractor]
[text displayed: “Expert advice to develop a business plan”]
Expert advice via a consultant to develop a business plan.
[two people walking among the crops]
[text displayed: “Independent financial advice to assist in engaging an accountant or financial adviser”]
Independent financial advice to be reimbursed to landholders to assist in engaging an independent accountant or financial adviser to discuss their agricultural report and business plan.
[person speaking]
Wade Clark: This is an exciting time for producers in the Lower Fitzroy Region.
[construction site]
With the possibility of diversifying or growing your current operation, Advance Rockhampton is working closely with Sunwater to help implement the Rookwood Weir Landholder Support and Grants Program. If you are a landholder and wanting more information, contact the Advance Rockhampton team by email or by phone.
[text displayed: “For more information:
Rookwood Weir Landholder Support and Grants Program website:
Rookwood Weir Landholder Support Program Coordinator, Wade Clark, Industry Engagement Manager, Advance Rockhampton
E:; P: 0458 579 457; A: 220 Quay Street, Rockhampton QLD 4700
For more information regarding the Tender Two water sales, contact”]
[logos displayed: Advance Rockhampton and Sunwater]
[music fades]