Rookwood Weir Project
The Rookwood Weir is a landmark project that will capture valuable water in the lower Fitzroy River for use across the region.
Project Overview
Rookwood Weir is a landmark project that will capture valuable water in the lower Fitzroy River for use across the region.
The project comprises two key components:
- constructing the weir
- enabling works that will upgrade existing infrastructure to support both the construction of the weir and its operation, which are detailed further down this page.
Building Rookwood Weir will:

Rookwood Weir Fast Facts
- Full supply level (FSL): 46.2m Australian Height Datum (AHD)
- Full supply volume (FSV): 74,325 megalitres
- Yield at FSL: 86,000 megalitres of medium priority (MP) water – subject to final design.
- Height above riverbed: approximately 16.2 metres
- Impoundment length: approximately 60km
- Spillway length is 202 meters, total structure length approximately 350 meters
- Minimum operating level: 37.0m AHD.

Business case
Building Queensland prepared a detailed business case (DBC) outlining a range of options for the Lower Fitzroy River Infrastructure Project (LFRIP). The DBC was developed with supporting funding from the Australian Government’s National Water Infrastructure Development Fund and was finalised in October 2017. The full DBC is available here.
The Rookwood Weir environmental impact statement (EIS) and its approval conditions, including environmental offsets and management measures, are publicly available and listed below.
While the Queensland and Australian government approval conditions for the Rookwood Weir are in place, a range of secondary environmental approvals are being sought in accordance with local government and Queensland legislative requirements.
Project timeline and status update
The project timeline is available in the latest Rookwood Roundup newsletter, available on the project’s Latest News page.