Rookwood Weir Project
Sunwater is committed to delivering water for prosperity, benefiting Central Queensland communities, agriculture and industrial enterprise.
Fitzroy Basin Water Plan
Rookwood Weir will be a critical piece of water infrastructure for Central Queensland and the Queensland Government and Sunwater are committed to working together with the community to make it a success.
Significant planning is underway to prepare for the operation of Rookwood Weir and the benefits of bringing this new infrastructure into the region’s water planning framework will be maximised.
The Queensland Government has released a statement of proposals for water from Rookwood Weir, outlining several options for how the water could be allocated, based on the best available modelling and science.
Get involved in the water planning process
To find out about the water planning process or to get in contact with a water planner, visit the Queensland Government’s Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water website.
Existing water entitlement holders
The Queensland Government finalised amendments to the Fitzroy Basin Water Plan and associated water planning documents in June 2021.
These amendments are the result of 12 months of public consultation and scientific analysis to ensure the water from Rookwood Weir supports local agricultural, environmental, cultural and urban needs into the future. View the amendment plan on the DRDMW’s website.
The water plan’s technical operating documents have been drafted and include the:
- Operations Manual – (OM) the operational rules for the scheme including releases, sharing rules and seasonal assignment rules for Rookwood Weir Water Supply Scheme
- Operations Manual – the operational rules for the scheme including releases, sharing rules and seasonal assignment rules for Lower Fitzroy Water Supply Scheme (Eden Bann Weir)
- Resource Operations Licence (ROL) – the requirements of the scheme operator to achieve their obligations under the water plan
- Water Management Protocol – the water dealing, trading and sharing rules and the amount, purpose and location of unallocated water reserves.
Further information on the above, including general information on the Rookwood Weir Water Supply Scheme, is included in the below fact sheets:
- Fact Sheet: Scheme overview
- Fact Sheet: Proposed Operations Manual for the weir’s operational stage
- Fact Sheet: Proposed Resource Operations Licence for the weir’s operational stage
- Fact Sheet: Summary of proposed amendments to the Fitzroy Water Management Protocol.
Sunwater and DRDMW completed a four-week public consultation period with existing Lower Fitzroy water allocation holders, businesses and community groups on these draft operational instruments between September and October 2022.
With consultation for these groups to share their views, ask questions and raise concerns on the draft operational instruments complete, Sunwater considered the issues raised and made some amendments to the draft operational documents prior to submitting a formal application to DRDMW in late 2022. Approval for the ROL and OMs is required before the construction of Rookwood Weir is completed.
To discuss the proposed operating rules further, contact the Rookwood Weir Project hotline on 1800 423 213 or submit feedback to
Please contact the Rookwood Weir project team for more information.