Burdekin Falls Dam Raising
The Burdekin Falls Dam Raising Project proposes to raise the existing dam by two metres to increase water supply and support future water demand in the Burdekin and surrounding regions.
Burdekin Falls Dam Improvement and Raising projects Industry Briefing
Sunwater conducted two Industry Briefings in September and October 2023 for consultants, contractors and suppliers regarding the Burdekin Falls Dam Improvement and Raising projects.
The Brisbane and Townsville briefings introduced Sunwater and the projects, provided details about future business opportunities and contract packages, an overview of the proposed delivery model, and outlined the approach to partnering throughout the project.
Upcoming packages covered at the briefings included:
- transaction management services
- detailed designer
- an overview of enabling works to support construction activity on the dam in the years ahead, including (but not limited to) a worker accommodation village and road upgrades
- future alliance partners.
Further package-specific briefings will be held in addition to the above briefings.
Participation in the industry briefings was not a prerequisite for tender submissions.
For further information, email bfdprocurement@sunwater.com.au
Brisbane Industry Briefing recording and slideshow
Sunwater held an Industry Briefing in Brisbane on its Burdekin Falls Dam Improvement and Raising Projects on Friday 15 September 2023.
The recording of this briefing and the associated presentation slides are listed below.
Please note the recording and presentation are the property of Sunwater. Content included is for information and planning purposes only and is subject to change.
Industry Briefing PowerPoint slides.
Please note that this information is for planning purposes and is subject to change.
Audience questions
Has Sunwater considered engaging an Owner’s Estimator throughout this process?
Yes, Sunwater will be looking to engage the services of an Owner’s Estimator as required throughout the project.
Will the detailed design partner have any input into the selection of the construction contractor as part of the alliance development?
Yes, Sunwater will request that the detailed design partner have specific input during the evaluation period for the selection of a construction partner.
Is Sunwater still on track to release the tender for the road design package this year?
Yes, it is anticipated that the Expressions of Interest (EOI) will be released in late 2023 via the ICN Gateway. Request’s for Offer (RFO’s) or otherwise known as Invitation to Tender (ITO’s) will be released via QTenders.
Has Sunwater considered doing a bitumen core, instead of clay for the saddle dams?
Sunwater has done some preliminary investigations into this, however at this stage the proposed design examines upgrading the saddle dams using clay and rockfill. Further geotechnical investigations progressing to determine the clay, aggregate and sand resources available from areas surrounding the dam. This work will enable Sunwater to further refine the quantity estimate of resource materials and gather more detailed information on material quality and characteristics.