Update 1 – Sunday, 17 December 2023, 12:55pm
STAY INFORMED – Tinaroo Falls Dam to start spilling excess water into the Barron River
Warning level: ADVICE
Warning area: Downstream of Tinaroo Falls Dam
Tinaroo Falls Dam will start spilling excess water into the Barron River this afternoon. Water flows from Tinaroo Falls Dam may contribute to widespread flooding downstream. Expect increased river flows in the coming hours. There is no immediate danger.
What you should do
- Decide what you will do if flooding starts.
- Do not enter floodwater, rivers or creeks
Stay informed
Stay informed because conditions could change rapidly:
- monitor Tinaroo Falls Dam level bit.ly/TinarooFallsStorageLevels
- tune in to ABC Far North 106.7 FM
- check local updates, road closures and evacuation information at Tablelands Regional Council http://dashboard.trc.qld.gov.au/, Mareeba Shire Council http://emergency.msc.qld.gov.au/ and Cairns Regional Council http://disaster.cairns.qld.gov.au/
- monitor river and rainfall conditions at bit.ly/3y9TcqE or visit www.bom.gov.au/qld
- call Triple Zero (000) if your life is in danger
- for flood help, call the SES on 132 500 or download the SES Assistance QLD app.
The next update will be issued when the situation changes.