Glenlyon Dam – Do Not Consume Alert lifted | Boil Water Alert remains

Update 2 – Friday, 19 May 2023, 5:15pm

Do Not Consume alert lifted

The ‘Do Not Consume’ alert which took effect on Friday 21 April 2023 has now been lifted and has been reverted to a ‘Boil Water’ alert found here:

Update 1 – Friday, 21 April 2023

This alert applies from the afternoon of Friday 21 April 2023 to all residents and visitors who receive drinking water from the Glenlyon Dam Water Supply.

Sunwater advises all residents in Glenlyon Dam not to consume tap water used for drinking following the identification of Chlorate, which is a by-product of the water treatment process in the Glenlyon Dam Water Supply. Boiling the water will not remedy the water quality issue. Bottled water will be provided by Sunwater for these purposes and will be available from the Glenlyon Dam Tourist Park office.

Sunwater is working closely with Water Supply Regulation and Queensland Health to resolve the situation.

Sunwater is undertaking a series of actions to investigate and rectify the cause of the issue. The ‘Do Not Consume’ alert will stay in effect until Sunwater is confident there is no longer a public health concern. Sunwater will provide an update if a change occurs. If you are concerned about your health contact, your local doctor or local hospital and advise them of your concerns.

Whilst the water is not to be used for drinking, cooking or brushing teeth, the water can be used for:

  • showering and bathing other than infants
  • washing dishes by hand or in a dishwasher, provided dishes are air-dried
  • washing clothes
  • flushing toilets.

Residents are urged to share this alert with neighbours and friends.

If you have any further concerns, please contact John Buda (Storage Supervisor – Glenlyon Dam) on 0455 588 782.