Paradise Dam Level Update

Paradise Dam

Due to recent rainfall and inflows from the catchment, Paradise Dam today reached 42 per cent capacity.

As a result, Sunwater has commenced operational releases to maintain the water storage level ahead of undertaking essential works at the dam.

The water released will be stored downstream in Ned Churchward Weir and Ben Anderson Barrage, which have a combined 19,000 megalitres of capacity available.

These storages will be filled before any additional water is available to customers.  We expect this inflow will have a positive impact on customer allocations for this water year and will advise of any increases.

Sunwater will apply a process similar to that used last September to make water available to river and channel customers.

We are working with the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (DNRME) to confirm the process for distributing water.

Further inflows are expected over the coming days and Sunwater is closely monitoring both the dam and wider catchment.

For further information about the Paradise Dam Essential Works Project:

Media enquiries:
Sunwater Media Team
Phone: 07 3120 0047