Managing Dam and Flood Emergencies – Video Transcript

Managing Dam and Flood Emergencies – Video Transcript

Published on YouTube: 17 April, 2020 (Duration: 1:28)

[music plays]

[Sunwater logo appears with title of the video “Managing flood and dam emergencies”]

[cartoon drawing of a dam]

[text displayed: “Hazard monitoring”]

Narrator: Sunwater monitors all its dams for spills and dam safety hazards.

[cartoon drawing of clouds with lightning and rain drops]

[text displayed: “Flood forecasting”]

The Bureau of Meteorology is responsible for flood forecasting at key locations within a catchment, known as forecast locations.

[cartoon drawing of speech bubbles]

[text displayed: “Notify” and then below “Sunwater > Local Disaster Management Groups”]

Sunwater informs local disaster management groups if it forecasts a dam spill, observes a dam spill, or identifies a dam safety hazard.

[text displayed: “Notify” and then below “BoM > Local Disaster Management Groups”]

The Bureau of Meteorology informs local disaster management groups if it predicts or observes

flooding at forecast locations.

[cartoon drawing of people rotating in a circular motion representing a mayor, a nurse, a police officer, a fire officer, and an office worker]

[text displayed: “Local Disaster Management Groups”]

Local disaster management groups are typically chaired by mayors and are made up of representatives from emergency and government services, such as police, QFES, housing, health, transport and main roads, and Sunwater.

[cartoon drawing of a checklist]

[text displayed: “Role”]

Local disaster management groups are responsible for emergency planning and enacting local disaster management plans.

[cartoon drawing of a warning sign]

[text displayed: “Response”]

If Sunwater notifies the local disaster management group of a dam safety hazard, the local disaster management group is responsible for emergency management aspects, including managing evacuations, coordinating disaster response, deploying resources, and recovery.

[cartoon drawing of two hands demonstrating the action of a ‘high five’]

[text displayed: “Teamwork”]

By working together, all parties ensure community safety is the number one priority during flood or dam emergencies.

[text displayed: “For more details see”]

[Sunwater logo appears]

[music fades]