


Announced Allocations
High Priority
Medium Priority
High Priority
Medium Priority
Water Pricing
Read more about your scheme’s Fees and Charges

Scheme information


The Bundaberg Scheme supplies water to farmlands and communities in Burnett, Kolan and Isis Shire as well as Bundaberg city. The scheme sources water from Fred Haigh and Paradise Dam.

Burnett Water

Burnett Water Pty Ltd (BWPL) became a subsidiary company of Sunwater on 16 December 2005 after Sunwater bought all the shares in the company from the Queensland State Government.

BWPL was set up by the State Government in 2001 to progress much needed water infrastructure in the Wide Bay-Burnett region. The water infrastructure construction projects developed by Burnett Water were Paradise Dam and Kirar Weir.

Paradise Dam is located 80kms from Bundaberg and makes available 124,000 megalitres of Medium Priority and 20,000 megalitres of High Priority Water Allocations. Kirar Weir is situated on the Burnett River, five kilometres for Eidsvold, and makes available 20,000 megalitres of Medium Priority Water Allocations.

How the scheme works
  • More than 600 kilometres of channel and pipeline distribute supplies to more than 1,000 properties
  • The scheme consists of seven distinct channel systems that supplement or replace demand for groundwater in the district
  • More information about the scheme is available in a Fact Sheet located here.
Water uses
  • Irrigation water for crops including sugar cane, tomatoes, rockmelons, watermelons, capsicum, zucchini, beans, macadamia nuts and avocados
  • Urban water supply for Bundaberg and communities in the Burnett, Kolan and Isis Shires
  • Industrial water for various enterprise including sugar mills.

Out of allocation water events

Storage level management of Paradise Dam will be required from March 2023.

Releases that can't be held in downstream storages will be made available at no cost to Burnett River sub-scheme customers as out-of-allocation (OOA) events.

More information on how Burnett River sub-scheme customers can access the OOA water is available here.

Options to reintroduce water for sale during the Paradise Dam Improvement Project

The Paradise Dam Improvement Project (PDIP) will see the dam returned to its original height, as part of significant safety improvement works.

Sunwater created the below video, a Fact Sheet, and held information sessions in November 2022 on options to reintroduce water for sale during the PDIP. 

Feedback indicated that while there is interest in purchasing water in the future, customers do not want to risk undermining security of current allocations by reintroducing water for sale.

Sunwater has no current plans to sell new permanent water from the Burnett River sub-scheme and will continue to engage with customers as planning for the new dam wall progresses. 

Previous opportunistic access to Paradise Dam water releases

Following the completion of the lowering activity at Paradise Dam in 2021, the dam is now able to fill to the temporary crest level.

Previous water release events occurred during:

  • September to December 2019
  • February to June 2020.

Scheme management

Sunwater must comply with the conditions set out in the Bundaberg Water Supply Scheme Resource Operations Licence (ROL), issued to Sunwater in July 2006 by the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW). The ROL outlines the infrastructure details, environmental release rules and all Sunwater’s monitoring and reporting obligations. The ROL also requires Sunwater to operate in accordance with an operations manual that is approved by DRDMW. The operations manual outlines rules for the operation of infrastructure associated with the Bundaberg scheme as well as water sharing rules and seasonal water assignment (temporary trade) rules.

The Bundaberg Water Supply Scheme ROL Operations Manual was issued in February 2020. An amendment which commenced on 1 July 2020 was approved by DRDMW on 20 March 2020. A statement of changes to the operations manual can be found on the second page of this manual.

Sunwater focuses our resources towards timely and cost-efficient delivery of water to customers in the Bundaberg scheme. We collaborate with our customers to ensure we understand their needs, adapt quickly to changes in the environment and make the most of the available water supply. To best manage water delivery, arrangements for taking of water within the Scheme have been developed in consultation with its Irrigator Advisory Committee.

Taking water from the scheme

The water ordering system assists Sunwater in delivering water to its customers in an efficient and timely way, enabling them to plan and manage their water use.

Before taking any water, customers should place a water order so that Sunwater can release sufficient water and minimise losses.

Customers who take water without ordering may reduce Sunwater’s ability to supply customers who have ordered according to the above requirements.

To place an order

Customers can place their orders via:

Further information about ordering water is detailed in Bundaberg’s Rules and Targets.

Stopping or restricting supply

Sunwater may suspend or restrict supply in a number of circumstances, including:

  • during maintenance of Sunwater’s assets
  • during a peak demand period, when rosters or rations may apply
  • when the demand for water is so small it is impractical to supply it
  • when there is a need to make special releases to maximise efficiency at times of limited supply
  • during rain shutdown
  • infrastructure limitations which make delivery impractical
  • if supply could cause Sunwater to break the law
  • when operating under special notices or regulations issued by the Department of Regional Development, Manfacturing and Water {e.g. Water Amendment Regulation (No.3) 2006}.
Weather events and emergency shutdowns

Sunwater asks that customers notify their duty Water Officer, as soon as possible, of any rain event or other circumstances that substantially lessens their water requirements. When wide spread general rain exceeds 40 mm in a day over the Bundaberg Water Supply Scheme, the duty Water Officer may shut the system down.

Customers are also asked to cancel orders if they no longer require ordered water.

For more information contact

If you experience an equipment or power failure emergency, please give immediate notice to Sunwater by calling Sunwater Customer Support on 131589 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Bundaberg’s Irrigator Advisory Committee

The Bundaberg Irrigator Advisory Committee is a group of irrigators within the scheme that have been elected by irrigation customers to represent their interests in relation to scheme operations and water supply issues and improvements with Sunwater.

The committee:

  • provides advice and recommendations to Sunwater regarding scheme operational issues
  • represents the interests of the broader irrigator base in respect of Sunwater’s ongoing operation of the water supply scheme
  • provides a mechanism for Sunwater and its customers to raise and discuss matters of mutual interest in relation to the management of the physical aspects of the scheme and customer relationship issues.
  • work collaboratively with Sunwater to identify and introduce new approaches and improvements to water management.
Committee members
NamePositionRepresentative Area/Section
Mark MamminoChairmanCanegrowers Isis Ltd
VacantCommittee MemberKolan River
Peter McLennanCommittee MemberBurnett River
Tyler BengstonCommittee MemberGin Gin
Peter RussoCommittee MemberIsis Channel System
Mark PresslerCommittee MemberWoongarra Channel System
VacantCommittee MemberGooburrum Channel System
Kelvin GriffinCommittee MemberCanegrowers Bundaberg
Bree GrimaCommittee MemberBundaberg Fruit & Vegetable Growers Cooperative (tree crops)
Jason BartellsCommittee MemberBundaberg Regional Council
John GorringeCommittee MemberIsis Central Sugar Mill
Angela WilliamsObserverCanegrowers Isis
Dale HollisObserverBundaberg Regional Irrigators Committee
Simon DoyleCommittee MemberBundaberg Sugar

Sunwater is currently consulting with Bundaberg customers regarding the potential trial of an electricity cost pass-through mechanism. For more information about the consultation process, visit the Water Pricing Review page.

Stay up to date with the Bundaberg  Irrigator Advisory Committee.

Announced Allocations

Water Year: 2024/2025
Burnett Sub-scheme
High priority: 100%
Medium priority: 100%

Announced Allocations effective 1 July 2024 and applicable until revised and communicated by Sunwater.

Approved Carryover volumes will be advised once the previous water year has been finalised.

For more information about the scheme’s carryover conditions click here.

Kolan Sub-scheme
High priority: 100%
Medium priority: 100%

Announced Allocations effective 01 July 2024 and applicable until revised and communicated by Sunwater.

Approved Carryover volumes will be advised once the previous water year has been finalised.

For more information about the scheme’s carryover conditions click here.

Kolan Bulk Capacity Share (ML)Burnett Bulk Capacity Share (ML)

Bulk Capacity Share account volumes are calculated to incorporate temporary transfer volumes to ensure both announced allocation and temporary transfer water is accounted for across the two sub-schemes.

Customers are advised to obtain information about their remaining water allocation balance by accessing Sunwater Online.

For more information or enquiries, phone 13 15 89 or email customersupport@sunwater.com.au.

History of Announced Allocations

AA history

Operational Report

Sunwater releases periodic operational reports detailing Announced Allocation levels and individual storages’ breakdowns within each scheme, the latest of which can be found below.

Operational Report

effective 1 July 2024

Operational Report

effective 13 December 2023

Operational Report

effective 1 October 2023

Operational Report

effective 1 July 2023

Operational Report

effective 1 July 2022

Operational Report

effective 17 November 2021

Operational Report

effective 1 July 2021


Service and Performance Plans

Sunwater prepares an annual Service and Performance Plan (S&PP) for each irrigation service contract area. S&PPs replace the former annual Network Service Plans and annual Performance Reports.

We have updated the naming convention for S&PPs to improve clarity and alignment with plan content. The new convention references the year in which the S&PP is published (or should have been published). Publication should occur within six months of the end of a financial year.

For further information about this service, please visit the Service and Performance Plan page.

Bundaberg Bulk Supply

Bundaberg Bulk Supply

2023 Service and Performance Plan

Bundaberg Bulk Supply

2021 Service and Performance Plan (originally published as the 2023 Service and Performance Plan)

Bundaberg Bulk Supply

2020 Service and Performance Plan (originally published as the 2022 Service and Performance Plan)


Bundaberg Distribution

Bundaberg Distribution

2023 Service and Performance Plan

Bundaberg Distribution

2021 Service and Performance Plan (originally published as the 2023 Service and Performance Plan)

Bundaberg Distribution

2020 Service and Performance Plan (originally published as the 2022 Service and Performance Plan)


Scheme news

Scheme updates and fact sheets

Paradise Dam customer engagement history on water sales factsheet

January 2024

Paradise Dam capacity yield and allocation sales information

May 2021

Announced Allocation Scenario Map and Water Demand Study findings

April 2021

Announced Allocation Scenario Map

April 2021

Bundaberg Network Capacity Assessment Project

March 2021

Customer Update – Paradise Dam update

March 2021

Fred Haigh Fact Sheet

March 2021

Australian Macadamia Society Presentation question and answers

February 2021

Bundaberg Water Supply Scheme Zoom Shed Talk questions and answers

July 2020

Customer Update - End of Paradise Dam out of allocation event

May 2020

Customer Update - Approval of water-sharing rule amendment

March 2020

Water accounting and zone cap update

October 2021


Current volumes available for temporary transfer per operational zone

Current volumes available for temporary transfer per operational zone

16 May 2024

Current volumes available for temporary transfer per operational zone

4 April 2024

Current volumes available for temporary transfer per operational zone

4 March 2024

Current volumes available for temporary transfer per operational zone

7 February 2024


End of water year newsletters

End of water year newsletter


End of water year newsletter


End of water year newsletter


End of water year newsletter


End of water year newsletter



Interruption to water supply notices

To find out more about the herbicide Sunwater uses to treat aquatic weeds during planned channel shutdowns and interruptions to water supply, click here.


Interruption to water supply - Isis Upper Scheme

June 2024

Interruption to water supply - Tirroan pumping station and T1 pipeline

June 2024

Interruption to water supply - Lower Isis Main Channel Irrigation System

June 2024

Interruption to water supply - Abbotsford

June 2024

Interruption to water supply - Bingera channel

June 2024

Interruption to water supply - Gooburrum, Moore Park and Booyan channel

June 2024

Interruption to water supply - Woongarra main channel

May 2024

Interruption to water supply - Isis main channel system

March 2024

Interruption to water - Isis main channel

March 2024

Interruption to water supply - Isis surface water

March 2024

Interruption to water supply - Millaroo system

March 2024

Interruption to water - Alloway

March 2024

Interruption to water supply - Woongarra

March 2024

Interruption to water supply - Bingera main channel

March 2024

Interruption to water supply - Gin Gin main channel

March 2024

Interruption to water supply - Booyan and Moore main channel

February 2024



Interruption to water supply - Isis main channel

September 2023

Interruption to water supply - Isis main channel

September 2023

Interruption to water supply - Lower Isis main channel

September 2023

Interruption to water supply - Booyan and Moore Park channel

September 2023

Interruption to water supply - Gooburrum

September 2023

Interruption to water supply - Gin Gin main channel

September 2023

Interruption to water supply - Bingera main channel

September 2023

Interruption to water supply - Alloway surface water system

August 2023

Interruption to water supply - Woongarra main channel

August 2023

Interruption to water supply - Upper Isis Scheme

July 2023

Interruption to water supply - Lower Isis Scheme

July 2023

Interruption to water supply - Abbotsford Irrigation system

June 2023

Interruption to water supply - Bingera main channel

June 2023

Interruption to water supply - Gooburrum, Booyan and Moore Park main channel

June 2023

Interruption to water supply - Gin Gin main channel

May 2023

Interruption to water supply - Alloway and Woongarra main channel

May 2023

Interruption to water supply - Isis main channel

March 2023

Interruption to water supply - Pine Creek Road

March 2023

Interruption to water supply

March 2023

Interruption to water supply - Bingera main channel

March 2023

Interruption to water supply - Gin Gin main channel

March 2023

Interruption to water supply - Alloway surface water system

March 2023

Interruption to water supply - Woongarra surface water system

March 2023

Interruption to water supply - Gooburrum main channel

February 2023

Interruption to water supply - Booyan and Moore Park surface water system

February 2023



Interruption to water supply - Interruption to water supply - Pine Creek Road to Isis Storage Surface Water System

December 2022

Interruption to water supply - Interruption to water supply - Isis main channel

December 2022

Interruption to water supply - Interruption to water supply - Isis Main Channel, Farnsfield, Childers, Logging Creek and Dinner Hill Surface Water Systems

December 2022

Interruption to water supply - Interruption to water supply - Bingera main channel

November 2022

Interruption to water supply - Interruption to water supply - Gin Gin main channel

November 2022

Interruption to water supply - Interruption to water supply - Gregory River

September 2022

Interruption to water supply - Interruption to water supply - Lower Isis main channel

September 2022

Interruption to water supply - Interruption to water supply - Upper Isis main channel

September 2022

Interruption to water supply - Gin Gin main channel

September 2022

Interruption to water supply - Bingera main channel

Sepetember 2022

Interruption to water supply - Booyan and Moore Park channel

September 2022

Interruption to water supply - Gooburrum Surface Water System

September 2022

Interruption to water supply - Alloway main channel

August 2022

Interruption to water supply - Lower Isis main channel system annual shutdown

July 2022

Interruption to water supply - Bingera main channel system annual shutdown

July 2022

Interruption to water supply - Gin Gin main channel system annual shutdown

July 2022

Interruption to water supply - Isis main channel system annual shutdown

June 2022

Interruption to water supply - Isis main channel system annual shutdown

June 2022

Interruption to water supply - Gooburrum, Booyan, and Moore Park main channel system annual shutdown

June 2022

Interruption to water supply - Alloway and Woongarra main channel system annual shutdown

June 2022

Interruption to water supply - Abbotsford Operational System annual shutdown

May 2022

Interruption to water supply - Lower Isis main channel planned shutdown

May 2022

Interruption to water supply - Isis main channel planned shutdown

February 2022

Interruption to water supply - Isis main channel planned shutdown

February 2022

Interruption to water supply - Gin Gin main channel planned shutdown

March 2022



Interruption to water supply - Lower Isis main channel planned shutdown

December 2021

Interruption to water supply - Isis main channel planned shutdown

December 2021

Interruption to water supply - Isis main channel planned shutdown

December 2021

Cancelled - Interruption to water supply - Booyan and Moore Park surface water system planned shutdown

November 2021

Cancelled -Interruption to water supply - Gooburrum channel planned shutdown

November 2021

Interruption to water supply - Gin Gin channel planned shutdown

November 2021

Interruption to water supply - Bingera channel planned shutdown

November 2021

Interruption to water supply - Alloway surface water system planned shutdown

November 2021

Interruption to water supply - Woongarra gravity & relift surface water system planned shutdown

November 2021

Interruption to water supply - Isis channel system planned shutdown

September 2021

Interruption to water supply - Upper Isis channel system planned shutdown

September 2021

Interruption to water supply - Lower Isis channel system planned shutdown

September 2021

Interruption to water supply - Gooburrum Main Channel planned shutdown

September 2021

Interruption to water supply - Booyan and Moore Park Main Channel planned shutdown

September 2021

Interruption to water supply - Alloway Main Channel planned shutdown

August 2021

Interruption to water supply - Bingera Main Channel planned shutdown

August 2021

Interruption to water supply - Gin Gin Main Channel planned shutdown

August 2021

Interruption to water supply - Woongarra Main Channel planned shutdown

August 2021


Scheme history

Reliable water supply means Bundaberg sugar cane can thrive
Reliable water supply means Bundaberg sugar cane can thrive

Bundaberg Water Supply Scheme

Perhaps more than any other town in Queensland, Bundaberg is synonymous with the sugar industry.  But with only about 1000 mm of annual rainfall, the area is one of the driest environments for growing sugar in Australia.

In the 1960s two things contributed to a growing water need — the amount of cane being farmed doubled as world demand for sugar soared, and three serious droughts in 1964, 1965 and 1969. As a result, the underground water source that agriculture in the region had primarily relied upon, dwindled and salinity started to rise.

In 1970, the Queensland Government implemented a two-stage plan to provide reliable water for the district. Today the scheme consists of more than 600 km of channels and pipelines, Fred Haigh and Paradise dams, Ned Churchward and Bucca weirs, and two barrages to supply water to more than 1,100 farms, the city of Bundaberg, and several other communities in the Burnett, Kolan and Isis shires.