Update 1 – Monday, 8 July 2024, 10:46am
Several dingoes have been sighted close to the Burdekin Falls Dam Caravan Park.
We ask campers and members of the public to be careful while visiting Burdekin Falls Dam:
- Make sure children are supervised at all times
- Do not approach or feed dingoes – this includes leaving food or bait accessible
- Always walk in groups of two or more, and carry a safety stick
- Do not run or jog – it may trigger dingoes’ instinct to chase
- If a dingo comes close, stay calm, stand at your full height and face the dingo. Do not run or wave your arms at them. Calmly move away to a safe area e.g. a car or fenced area.
(Dingo safety tips courtesy of Department of Environment, Science and Innovation)