Coolmunda Dam — recommencement of maintenance works

Sunwater will recommence maintenance and upgrade works on two of Coolmunda Dam’s seven spillway gates from May 2023 to ensure the ongoing reliability of the gates in managing outflows from the dam. The works were previously planned during 2022 however, were deferred due to the approaching wet season .

Site mobilisation will include the delivery and temporary installation of a large custom lifting frame and other construction equipment. The works are expected to be completed by September 2023, weather permitting.

As a result of flood events in recent and, in particular, a significant flood event in late 2021, erosion (also known as scour) and damaged concrete has developed in the area downstream of Coolmunda Dam. Work to repair the erosion and damaged concrete will be undertaken at the same time as the gate works.

For the duration of the works, there will be no impact to customer water supply from Coolmunda Dam and no disruption to recreational areas around the dam or to Lake Coolmunda Caravan Park.

As part of normal Coolmunda Dam operations, once the dam’s capacity reaches higher than 100 per cent, releases will be managed via the spillway gates to return the dam to its full supply level during the works. Should a weather event be predicted in the Coolmunda Dam catchment which could see the dam exceed its full capacity, the erosion works will pause, the gates undergoing works put back into service and, if required, the machinery demobilised from site.

For more information on these works, please contact or call (07) 3120 0270.