Glenlyon Dam – spill event

Glenlyon spilling

Update 3 – 25 October, 10.20am

Due to recent rainfall and inflows in the catchment, excess water spilling from Glenlyon Dam is increasing. The dam is currently at 101.4% capacity. Flows are expected to remain within the bed and banks of the river. Avoid potential safety hazards downstream. River level information available from the Bureau of Meteorology website For dam level updates visit:

Update 2 – 13 October, 10.35am

Glenlyon Dam is 101.3% capacity and continues to spill excess water but outflows are decreasing.

If downstream of the dam, expect increased river flows and remember if it’s flooded, forget it.

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Update 1 – 10 October, 7.15am

Glenlyon Dam is 102.6% capacity and continues to spill excess water.

If downstream of the dam, expect increased river flows and remember if it’s flooded, forget it.

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