Rookwood Weir Overview – Video Transcript

Rookwood Weir Overview – Video Transcript

Published on YouTube: 8 April, 2020 (Duration: 2:24 – No narration)

[text displayed: “Rookwood Weir Project”]

[bird sounds]

[music plays]

[map zoomed out showing Balcomba and Wycarbah at the top, and Duaringa (Central Highlands), Duaringa, Boolburra, Gogango, and Westwood at the bottom, with the Mackenzie River and Fitzroy River in the middle of the screen]

[map zooms in showing a rectangle with text: “Riverslea bridge and road upgrade” with a pointer on the Fitzroy River showing Riverslea Crossing]

[map moves and focuses on a rectangle with text: “Hanrahan Crossing culvert upgrade”]

[map moves and focuses on a rectangle with text: “Thirsty Creek Road upgrade”]

[map moves and focuses on a rectangle with text: “Capricorn Highway / Third Street upgrade”]

[map moves and focuses on a rectangle with text: “Weir site” with a pointer on the Fitzroy River]

[screen colour changes to aqua]

[aerial view of the Fitzroy River with a blue rectangle overlay showing the planned Rookwood Weir site]

[text displayed: “Planned Rookwood Weir site”]

[aerial view of the river]

[animated 3D view of the river with camera view following the river with the Rookwood Weir model in the distance]

[animated 3D aerial views of the Rookwood Weir model at different angles]

[screen fades to white]

[map zooms in showing a rectangle with text: “Riverslea bridge and road upgrade” with a pointer on the Fitzroy River showing Riverslea Crossing]

[screen colour changes to aqua]

[3D image of the Riverslea bridge]

[text displayed: “Riverslea Bridge”]

[3D image of the Riverslea bridge showing vehicles on the road and bridge]

[computer generated image showing aerial view of the Riverslea bridge]

[screen colour changes to white]

[map zooms in showing a rectangle with text: “Capricorn Highway / Third Street upgrade” with a pointer on the Capricorn Highway, close to Gogango]

[screen colour changes to aqua and then white]

[map highlighting the section of Gogango with the road upgrade]

[text displayed: “Gogango – Road upgrade”]

[screen colour changes to aqua and then white]

[text displayed: “Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We value our customers and the communities we work within. We are committed to proactive, transparent and respectful engagement with all stakeholders.”]

[logos appear: Australian Government (Building Our Future); Queensland Government; Sunwater]

[text displayed: “Working together to improve Central Queensland’s water security for the future.”]

[music fades]