Irrigation Price Path

Irrigation Price Path

Sunwater is developing a proposal to submit to the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) in late 2023. This will inform irrigation prices for the period 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2029.


Sunwater provides irrigation services across 26 price-regulated service contract areas in Queensland: 22 bulk water supply schemes and four distribution schemes. 

We are required to submit a proposal that will assist the QCA to set irrigation prices for the upcoming price path period. The proposal represents an integrated view of Sunwater’s proposed services, expenditure levels and irrigation prices for each service contract area.

The QCA will review this proposal in line with its requirements under the Queensland Competition Authority Act 1997 and any conditions set out in a Referral Notice, before making a recommendation back to the Queensland Government.

Sunwater Irrigation pricing proposal

Irrigation pricing proposal (including Appendices)

November 2023


Irrigation pricing proposal

Appendix A Proposed and recommended prices under an annuity methodology

Appendix B Customer engagement report

Appendix C Cost escalation paper

Appendix D Demand Report

Appendix E Headworks Utilisation Factor Technical Paper

Appendix F Electricity Costs Technical paper

Appendix G Strategic Asset Management Plan

Appendix H Weighted Average Cost of Capital Review

Scheme summaries