Check Things Out Before You Get In – Video Transcript

Check Things Out Before You Get In – Video Transcript

Published on YouTube: 17 November, 2020 (Duration: 0:29)

[sound of boat engine]

[overhead view of a motorised boat moving through the water with water ripples in front and leaving a water trail behind]

[text displayed: “Craig’s Leslie Dam Story”]

Craig: I’ve been boating on Leslie Dam for over 20 years. I thought I knew where every rock and old fence post was.

[sound of boat engine increases]

[camera view out toward the front of the boat looking toward the sun appearing over the hills and trees]

On that day it was glary. Dam level was low. I hit a rock.

[sound of a boat hitting an obstacle]

[camera view shakes]

[screen goes black]

[sound of boat engine gradually stops and is replaced with soft water sounds in the background]

[camera view gradually moves upward as if slowly coming out from the dark water and showing part of the sky and clouds]

And my boat’s pretty big but it stopped me in my tracks – really threw me about.

[camera view is at water level showing water movement and a close up of a submersed rock]

I’m just lucky I didn’t hit my head. Now I always check things out before I get in.

[text displayed: “Check things out before you get in”]

[three icons appear with text next to each icon: one icon of a sign with text “Check signs”; one icon with a rainy cloud with text “Check conditions”; one icon of a submersed rock with text “Check for hazards”]

[Sunwater logo appears]

[water sound fades]