Emergency Action Plan – Video Transcript

What’s an Emergency Action Plan? – Video Transcript

Published on YouTube: 21 January, 2021 (Duration: 1:06)

[music plays]

[Sunwater logo appears with title of the video “What’s an Emergency Action Plan?”]

Narrator: What is an Emergency Action Plan or EAP?

[cartoon drawing of a clipboard]

[text displayed: “Emergency Action Plans”]

Emergency Action Plans are developed by dam owners such as Sunwater.

[cartoon drawing of a binocular with a warning sign]

[text displayed: “Identify and manage”]

The plans are used to identify and manage dam hazards including flooding and safety hazards for referable dams.

[cartoon drawing of a dam with two houses further downstream]

[text displayed: “Referable dams”]

A referable dam is any dam that would put two or more people in danger if it was to fail.

[close-up view of the cartoon drawing of the dam]

All referable dams must have an approved EAP in place.

[text displayed: “Implementation”]

EAP’s guide our response during dam flooding and safety hazards to minimise risks to the community.

[cartoon drawing of people rotating in a circular motion representing a mayor, a construction worker, a nurse, a police officer, a fire officer, and an office worker]

[text displayed: “Local Disaster Management Groups”]

An EAP enables dam owners, local government, and disaster management groups to coordinate an emergency response, enact disaster management plans, and provide evacuation information when required.

[cartoon drawing of a warning sign on a mobile phone]

[text displayed: “Notifications”]

Sunwater and local disaster management groups issue notifications and warnings to downstream communities that are likely to be impacted by a dam emergency.

[cartoon drawing of a clipboard]

[text displayed: “Emergency Action Plans”]

EAP’s are approved by the Queensland Government and available to the public on the Sunwater website.

[text displayed: “For more details see sunwater.com.au”]

For more details see sunwater.com.au.

[Sunwater logo appears]

[music fades]